How To Create A Custom Hooks In React.

How To Create A Custom Hooks In React.

Custom hooks are reusable functions used for stateful logic. A custom Hook is a JavaScript function whose function starts with use”.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to "how to create a customhooks in react"


Before we begin, these are technologies you should be familiar with and have installed on your local machine to follow up these guides:

  1. Nodejs v18+

  2. React Knowledge

In this tutorial, we will build a simple e-commerce store that fetches data from FakeStoreAPI

Let's start by running this in our terminal.

  1. Open your terminal and run
npx create-react-app reactapp

2. Navigate to the folder

 cd reactapp

3. Run

 npm start

Now our app is running locally, let's get started by:

  1. Creating a customhooks folder

  2. Inside the customhooks folder create a Usefetch.js file and input this code.

     import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
     const Usefetch = (url) => {
       const [images, setData] = useState([]);
       useEffect(() => {
           .then((res) => res.json())
           .then((images) => setData(images));
       }, [url]);
       return [images];
     export default Usefetch;
  3. Now create a imageHolder.js file and input this code.

     import React from "react";
     const imageHolder = () => {
       return (
    => {
               return <p key= {}>
                  <img src={item.image}/>
     export default imageHolder;
  4. Now let's import our useFetch custom hooks into our ImageHolder.js file.

     import React from "react";
     import Usefetch from "../customhooks/Usefetch";
     const imageHolder = () => {
       // Fetching images from fakestoreApi
       const [images] = Usefetch("");
       return (
    => {
               return <p key= {}>
                 <img src={item.image}/>
     export default imageHolder;
  5. Now let's import the ImageHolder into our App.js file

     import React from "react";
     import ImageHolder from "./ImageHolder";
     function App() {
       return (
         <div className="">
           <ImageHolder />
     export default App;


Custom hooks are reusable functions that aid code reusability. I can say this is the best hack ever, react developers should know when creating a large or small project.

Thanks for reading.